Logo - Albert Walicki

Music Distribution App (Under NDA) 🇩🇪

The music distribution app is an app for musicians to release their songs, albums, covers, etc

Type: Web App

Industry: Music

Duration: 05/2020 - 07/2020

Role: Frontend Developer

SCSS modules
Rest API
Trello board

What were my responsibilities / What I did

  • Rebuild the whole web app in a new template

  • custom audio validations

  • huge forms with at least 30-40 inputs, and selects. Validated with formvalidation.io

Do you need help with your project? Grab my:  resume / CV
Or contact me:   
Logo - Albert Walicki

Hello, I'm a frontend developer with over eight years of experience, freelancer. I'm also a mentor for junior frontend developers. I wrote a book for Junior Frontend developers called Frontend Unicorn.

BlogGlassmorphismAurora UIShapes in CSSUnique css illustrations

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